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Challenges with Growing Old Alone

Having no children or younger family members to assist them as they age can present new challenges to seniors in the baby boomer generation. As in generations before, baby boomers are living longer and healthier lives but for some, there is…

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Record-Breaking Debt Amongst Seniors

A subprime mortgage crisis triggered by falling home prices in 2006 led to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression between 2007 and 2010. Then the risk spread into pension funds, mutual funds, and corporations that owned the derivatives. It…

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Gifting and Penalties with Medicaid

Low-income seniors with limited assets and income are eligible for Medicaid, a state-federal program that makes healthcare more affordable. Many seniors believe their only option to qualify for the program is to “spend down” their assets. While this is true in…

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Living Alone Increases Your Risk of Dementia

As Americans age, they are increasingly choosing to age in place. Nearly all older adults prefer to age in the comfort of their long-time homes and familiar community surroundings. Aging in place often means living alone. Pew Research findings show…

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Surviving 2022

Many people's finances have been on a roller coaster ride during the last few years of economic turmoil. Some people were able to use stimulus money for travel, home renovations, and other large purchases. In contrast, others used the money…

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Make Sure Your Parents Are Prepared

Plan, Don’t Wait, for an Emergency That sounds like something your mother might say, right? And how often have you wished that you’d followed mother’s good advice? Nobody really wants to think in advance about accidents or illness. But if…

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