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Memory Care for Alzheimer’s Patients

Many elderly Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive neurologic disorder marked by a steady decline in cognitive, behavioral, and social skills. Initial symptoms are often mistaken for normal aging and include problems with language, mood swings, disorientation, loss of…

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The Various Ways to Hold Title to Property

Most Americans consider real property, like their home, the most significant part of their overall net worth. How the home and other pieces of real property are titled deserves careful consideration. Real estate constitutes the land and any structure, including…

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Telemedicine Services More Available Than Ever Before

Telemedicine can be described as health-related services and information being distributed by electronic technologies. Not long-ago telemedicine was an innovative practice, primarily a supplement to hospitals' information strategy managing patient care and their data more efficiently. During the coronavirus pandemic…

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Nursing Homes and COVID-19 Deaths

Because aging Americans are more susceptible to the coronavirus, deaths in this age group are high. Although nursing home residents are less than one percent of the total US population, according to a report from the CDC, they account for…

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Autism Is on the Rise in the United States

The prevalence of autism is on the rise in the US. Because the condition first manifests itself before the age of 3, the majority of people receiving new diagnoses are under the age of 6. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers…

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