The federal government provides Social Security retirement benefits, a form of financial assistance, to individuals who have reached retirement age and have paid into the Social Security system through payroll taxes during their working years.
As of 2024, you can roll over unspent funds from a 529 plan to a beneficiary-owned Roth IRA. This provision gives families a way to kick-start a young person's retirement savings.
Our devices offer so many benefits and have become such an integral part of our lives that we often forget how much easier they make it for people to steal our information or take advantage of us.
Whether it's an honor or a burden (or both), you have been appointed trustee of a trust. What responsibilities have been thrust upon you? How can you successfully carry them out?
Medicare open enrollment is on the horizon. Start thinking about changes you may want to make to your coverage. Some significant changes have come along for Medicare, with more taking effect in the near future.
Keeping track and making sense of government policies and presidential candidates’ promises can be daunting during any election year. This year is no exception.
Hearing loss is common in older adults, but many still don't wear hearing aids. In addition to helping people to hear better, hearing aids have been demonstrated to have a positive impact on physical and mental health.
A fundamental aspect of a representative democracy is the right to vote, shared by all eligible citizens, whether or not they have full cognitive abilities.